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Be Sure Not to Make This Mistake After a Car Accident

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A car accident can be a disorienting and traumatic experience, often leaving victims in a state of shock, confusion, and uncertainty. Amid the chaos and confusion, making sound decisions is crucial, not only for your immediate safety but also for your long-term financial and legal protection.

There's one common mistake that accident victims often make in the aftermath of a collision - settling their claims with an insurance company without consulting a legal professional first. This mistake can cost you dearly, both in terms of money and justice. Here's why.

The Rush to Settle: An Insurance Company's Profitable Strategy

Insurance companies are businesses. Like any other business, their objective is to maximize profits. While it's true that they provide a crucial service - offering a financial safety net in times of distress - it's important to understand that their interests may not always align with yours.

Often, insurance companies will approach accident victims soon after the incident, offering an immediate settlement. They may use persuasive tactics, promising a swift resolution and emphasizing the convenience of quick cash. However, these offers are often much lower than what the victims may be entitled to, and they may not fully cover the costs that result from the accident.

Insurance companies are well aware that victims are vulnerable after an accident. The stress, emotional upheaval, and financial worries can lead accident victims to accept a settlement that is far less than they deserve. By settling early, victims essentially sign away their right to seek further compensation, even if subsequent medical complications arise.

The Importance of Legal Representation

This is where legal representation comes into play. A lawyer can help protect your rights and interests, ensuring that you're not bullied or taken advantage of by insurance companies.

At Arshakyan Law Firm, our professionals understand the tactics that insurance companies use and can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair settlement. Our lawyers can meticulously evaluate your situation, factoring in not just immediate medical expenses but also future costs such as ongoing treatments, rehabilitation, loss of earnings, and other damages.

Additionally, we can help ensure that all paperwork is correctly filed and deadlines are met. We can collect and preserve evidence, consult with expert witnesses, and build a solid case to

support your claim. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, our lawyers are prepared to take the case to trial.

Common Tactics Employed by Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often use certain tactics to minimize the amount they have to pay out. One such strategy is making quick settlement offers, hoping that you will accept a lower amount in your vulnerable state. They often present these offers as "one-time" deals that you need to take quickly, not giving you enough time to assess your situation fully or seek legal advice.

They may also misrepresent your insurance policy, implying that certain damages aren't covered or that your claim isn't as valuable as you think. In some cases, they might downplay your injuries or damages, trying to convince you that they're not as severe as they appear.

Another tactic is to drag out the claim process in the hope that you will become frustrated and agree to a lower settlement. It's important to recognize these tactics for what they are: strategies to protect the insurance company's bottom line.

In addition to the tactics we've mentioned, insurance companies may also use the following strategies:

  1. Denying Liability: An insurance company may outright deny that their policyholder was at fault, even if evidence suggests otherwise. This is an attempt to avoid paying any compensation.
  1. Requesting Unnecessary Information: Sometimes, an insurance company may stall the claims process by repeatedly requesting unnecessary or irrelevant information. This tactic aims to frustrate the claimant, leading them to accept a lower settlement or abandon the claim altogether.
  1. Disputing Medical Treatment: An insurance adjuster may question the necessity of your medical treatment in an effort to reduce your claim's value. They might argue that you received too much treatment for your injuries or that the type of treatment was unnecessary.
  1. Using Your Words Against You: Anything you say to an insurance adjuster can be used against you. They may try to get you to make statements that weaken your claim, such as admitting to pre-existing conditions or downplaying your injuries.
  1. Surveillance: In some cases, insurance companies may even resort to surveillance. They might hire a private investigator to track your activities and capture any evidence that your injuries are not as serious as claimed.
  1. Ignoring Your Attorney: If you have legal representation, some insurance companies might try to contact you directly, bypassing your attorney, in hopes that you might say or agree to something that could harm your case.

Understanding these tactics can help you navigate the claims process more effectively. However, having a knowledgeable attorney by your side is the best protection against these strategies.

Tips for Dealing with Insurance Companies

Knowing how to deal with insurance companies after an accident can play a huge role in the outcome of your claim.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Don't Admit Fault: Even if you think you may be at fault, it's important not to admit this to the insurance company. There may be factors you're not aware of that contributed to the accident.
  1. Don't Sign Anything without Legal Advice: Always consult with a lawyer before signing any documents from the insurance company. What might seem like standard paperwork could contain clauses that limit your ability to seek further compensation.
  1. Don't Settle Immediately: While a quick settlement might seem attractive, it might not cover all your costs, particularly if you have injuries that require long-term treatment. Always consult with a lawyer before accepting a settlement.
  1. Keep Records: Document everything related to your claim, including medical expenses, repair costs, and any communication with the insurance company.


Below, we’ve compiled some FAQs about car accident settlements.

Q: Should I Accept the First Offer From the Insurance Company?

A: It's generally not advisable to accept the first offer, as it's usually lower than what you might be entitled to. It's best to consult with a lawyer before accepting any settlement offer.

Q: Can I Still Seek Compensation if the Accident Was Partly My Fault?

A: Yes, you may still be entitled to compensation under pure comparative negligence laws. A lawyer can provide advice based on your specific situation.

Q: When Should I Hire a Lawyer?

A: It's beneficial to consult a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. They can provide advice and guidance from the start, helping to protect your rights.

Q: Can I Handle the Claim Process Myself?

A: While it's possible to handle a claim yourself, it can be a complex process. A lawyer can handle the negotiations, paperwork, and legal complexities, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Remember, every car accident and personal injury claim is unique. It's always best to seek professional legal advice tailored to your specific situation. At Arshakyan Law Firm, we're here to answer your questions and help you navigate the claims process.

Q: What Kind of Compensation Can I Expect From a Car Accident Claim?

A: The amount of compensation varies greatly depending on the specifics of the accident. It can include reimbursement for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering. A lawyer can help estimate a fair value for your claim.

Q: What if the Other Driver Doesn't Have Insurance?

A: If the other driver is uninsured, you may have to rely on your own insurance policy if it includes uninsured motorist coverage. In some cases, it may be possible to sue the uninsured driver directly, but collecting the judgment can be difficult. Legal advice is crucial in such situations.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Claim After a Car Accident?

A: The time limit, known as the statute of limitations, varies depending on the claim. For most personal injury cases, the deadline is two years from the injury. If the injury was not discovered right away, then it is one year from the date the injury was discovered. Consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss the deadline.

Q: What Should I Do if the Insurance Company Denies My Claim?

A: If your claim is denied, it's important to get a clear reason from the insurance company. It could be due to a lack of coverage, late filing, or they may not believe you were injured. In such cases, a lawyer can help review the denial and guide you on the best course of action, which may include appealing the decision or filing a lawsuit.

Q: How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

A: Most car accident lawyers, including Arshakyan Law Firm, work on a contingency fee basis. This means they only get paid if they win your case or achieve a settlement. The fee is typically a percentage of the settlement or award. This ensures access to legal representation for everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

Remember, these answers are meant to provide general guidance. For advice tailored to your specific circumstances, it's always best to consult with a legal professional. At Arshakyan Law

Firm, we're committed to providing the assistance you need to navigate the aftermath of a car accident.

The Bottom Line

The days following a car accident can be overwhelming, but it's crucial not to rush into a settlement with an insurance company without first consulting with a lawyer. Remember, accepting a quick settlement may seem like an easy way out, but it could prevent you from obtaining the full compensation you deserve.

Make no mistake: insurance companies have teams of lawyers working to protect their interests. It's only fair that you have the same level of legal representation on your side. At Arshakyan Law Firm, we're dedicated to helping accident victims handle the complexities of personal injury law. We're here to advocate for your rights, fight for fair compensation, and help you on your road to recovery.

Contact us today if you have any further questions.

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